After being on the Parenthood Panel with Two Dads in London, hosted by the Home Genie, I overheard Richard Pearson talking about his initiative of helping children with cleaning and general housekeeping. I just had to know more.
I organise rooms and routines with children in mind to help them thrive in education but also to instil independence and support life skills for their future. I help families declutter and organise, but cleaning is another branch.
Richard was the host on the Demo stage at the Clean and Tidy Home show.
So I interviewed him on how it came about and what is next!
"The idea came from being on the show and finding out that people didn’t know how to clean. I discovered it was because their parents didn’t show them the basics.
That got me thinking about my children because I’m not passing on my knowledge to them.
I shared this in my socials, and the whole thing took off.
I think teaching children the basics of housekeeping is essential. These are life skills and, I believe, the fundamentals of your daily life.
I also don’t want the children of today living in the future in homes that are in complete chaos.
I’m only just starting this journey, but I want to take all this info and coaching skills around the country "
Richard x
If you would like to check out his blogs about getting children into cleaning click here:
You can catch him on Channel 5 on Filthy House SOS and find out more in his website:
Love Kat x