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  • Writer's pictureKat Lord

SEND Tutoring at the MORE TO EVENT

On the 30th of September, the launch of the third book in the MORE TO series is happening. There is MORE TO this event than just a book launch, with interactive performances with Action Amanda, music sessions with the Music House with Children and even a family PT session with Jack Hammerton.

We also have guided activity sessions of mark making with More Curricular and food prep with Argania Moroccan Kitchen! We have a luxury soft play from Trot and Tumble and you can pay to have your face painted. Children are £10 and get an amazing goodie bag. Adults and babies are free!

And if that wasn't enough, we even have a MORE TO Market place with nutrition, parent apps, photo organising and SEND. So it is with my pleasure that I share this interview with the amazing Ione Inness who runs SEND Tutoring.

How did SEND Tutoring come about?

SEND Tutoring came about due to the lack of wrap around care for children and

their families. As a teacher myself and having taught in mainstream schools I had to make lots of heart breaking decisions about which children with special needs would get support.

The ethos of SEND Tutoring is to provide high-quality teaching from tutors who are all qualified teachers and who also have additional qualifications in SEND. We also offer an Advisory service for parents so that the wraparound support is inclusive of the child and it's family.

What do you think children get most out of SEND Tutoring?

The playful way in which learning is given. Most children including children with special needs do not enjoy learning at a desk, they like moving around and enjoy brain breaks in order to reset and recharge. The premise of SEND Tutoring is to get the most out of the children whilst they're having fun. If learning is fun, children are far more likely to try more. In my experience, children with special needs are far more prone to anxiety and feeling different and it's crucial that they feel safe before learning begins. Each tutor takes time to get to know the child and introduces short learning segments whilst also inviting the element of fun. There might be an activity of practicing handwriting using shaving foam or learning about creative writing whilst examining the different layers of a hamburger (children love this one!) Or, using playdough to practice the formation of letters and so much more.

Each SEND Tutor spends the first couple of lessons getting to know your child and then creates bespoke lessons tailored around their interests and attainment level. Having fun is a priority and a must for recall and reluctant learners.

How does it help family life easier?

Children who have become disengaged from education due to anxiety and low confidence are hard to reach and over time the impact on their family life is massive. SEND tutors not only understand this but are equipped to help. They are qualified teachers themselves, teach in lots of different settings, and have additional relevant qualifications meaning that if Plans A, B, and C haven't worked they still have D, E, and F to fall back on.

Reports from parents say that the difference in their child's confidence levels is amazing, from being totally resistant to trying anything new to suggesting strategies themselves.

One of the many things I'm very proud of is the progress children make over a very short space of time. Their independence, problem-solving strategies, confidence, and self-regulation are just a few of the things that change positively.

The second arm of SEND Tutoring is the advisory service for parents. In the past, I've been asked so many times if I know of a SEND advocate or Speech and Language Therapist that I can recommend and so when I set up SEND Tutoring I decided it would be two-fold. One side would be offering tuition and the other side would be an advisory service for parents.

Often, the world of SEND is a confusing and tricky place to navigate. With the advisory arm, parents can access the same professionals time and time again without having to give the same information repeatedly. Currently, wait times on the NHS are long and it's unlikely that you'll see the same professional again meaning that details get lost and there is no sense of building a reciprocal strong relationship with the same person. That's where SEND Tutoring's Silver and Gold service comes in. Each month the Specialist of your choice is accessible for two hours so that you can ask any question and discuss any report or assessment you want. The follow-up can be arranged during the same month or the following one. Reports from parents state the overwhelming relief and the flexibility to talk to numerous professionals and chop and change between professionals from month to month.

What is next for SEND Tutoring?

To help more children and their families get the help they deserve.

Why are you excited to be part of MORE TO Education?

It's such a lovely opportunity to celebrate Kathryn Lord's new book and meet other vendors who are invested in supporting children's development.

What exciting offer have you got for everyone at the event?

The first lesson is free for those who sign up for the first three months.

Or meet Ione in person at the MORE TO event. Adults and babies are free so pop along.

Children are £10and get an amazing goodie bag with a snack from V and Me, bubbles and a reusable straw and so much more...

If you can't make it and you'd still like the book, click the link below.

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